Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week 8 - down 1.5

Hooray for me. At my week 8 weigh-in I was down 1.5 to 156.5. Which was my weight at week 5, only to go up to 158 for the week 6 & 7. Those weeks were disappointing but like I said, it was to be expected as I had gone way over my alloted points those weeks.

Week 9 isn't looking so promising as I went to Paul's family reunion in Nebraska over the weekend. When it comes to parties there, everything earns the title of "salad" by adding 2 cups of mayo to it, whether it's carrots, macaroni, or marshmallows. The rest of the food included fried chicken, roast beef, green bean casserole, baked beans, cole slaw, Texas toast, and mashed pototes. Believe me, it was one delicious looking buffet, just not so point-friendly. I'd like to think I ate the lightest by eating mostly mashed potatoes and beans. But then I ate a healthy serving of potato salad which turned out to be dip.

I'm trying to do a little damage control the second half of the week and at least exercise the remaining days and tightly manage what I eat. We'll see when I weigh in on Friday...


Anonymous said...

Lucky you don't eat meat!-pb
ps-I notice that my weight will vary 2-3lbs a week (sometimes even a day).

Pound said...

i'm lmao that you ate some dip as a normal food. also, right when i read that sentence... in nebraska... in my head i thought oh mayo salad and i thought about lily and marshall and the mayo salad when they went to visit marshall's fam in MN in how i met your mother. and lily gagged over all the mayo in the famous family mayo salad thing... but i digress. good job on the 1.5 lbs :P