Tuesday, September 21, 2010


We were invited to a potluck dinner and I brought these. Cupcakes?

Not exactly:

I wanted to bring something from stuff we had on hand which was veggies, grapes, and hummus. We also had eggs so I decided to devil them up. I used this cupcake carrier to bring the deviled eggs over so they wouldn't roll over and get smashed. I'm really starting to appreciate having a trimmed down kitchen, though some of it came involuntarily through the move with a couple of boxes of broken stuff and some stuff going AWOL, like the new-still-in-the-box blender. But not only do I like a kitchen that operates lighter, leaner, and less-cluttered, I'm using more of the stuff I do have on hand, like this cupcake carrier.

Very satisfying. And motivating to trim down other rooms.

Though I think we're going to get a blender.


Unknown said...

You keep mentioning "things that went AWOL during the move." Did the movers take things? Would you be able to match up things w/ the manifest that was created when the movers came (how they put number stickers on everything)?

Pound said...

congrats!!!! grasshopper...