Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pix from an awesome weekend

My weekend kicked off with lunch with Linda, who totally surprised me with a gift of a Kindle!

I LOVE it. Of course, I open it and start to pull out the "Getting Started" guide. Linda sighs and starts plugging it in and before I know it I'm registered and cruising books on the internet. I've actually explored the non-book aspects of it (mp3 player, web browser) and am totally a new disciple in the Kindle clan.

Our cute kids had fun with their own technology, DSLites.

A great day was topped with a great night with an awesome birthday party for my friend Karen (in the center), which took place at Maureen's (on the right) house:

Maureen's girl and mine enjoyed the birthday cake:

The next day we spent with Nana and celebrated post-Mother's Day:

With a Princess cake:

Light cake, raspberry filling and marzipan coating--delicious.

Sweet ending to a sweet weekend.

1 comment:

  1. that cake looks fancy!!!
    have you read anything yet? watched mad men?
