Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fashion show AKA mini Project Runway

The clothing workshop turned out to be mini version of Project Runway for the girl--starting on the first day where they went to a fabric store and had a budget to pick out fabric for their sundress. The girl said they even waved, "Goodbye House of Fabrics!" like they do when the contestants shop at Mood on Project Runway. And yesterday, she said they were counting down, just like on the show, where she was panicking she wouldn't finish in time for the runway show:

She said she had to rush the hem, did a last-minute sash, and realized it was too short to wear as a dress, but we thought she did a great job:

And as you can surmise from us non-runway folks:

Columbia was celebrating the USC Gamecocks' winning the College World Series, bringing back-to-back national championships to Columbia! There was a parade the same day and the local froyo place had a featured flavor:

And anyone wearing Gamecock gear got a 25% discount

Garnet Velvet and Vanilla with Strawberries & Blackberries & Mango Juice Balls

Now that's the way I like to celebrate...deliciously.


  1. What are those little yellow fish egg looking thingys?

  2. dang that's pretty good for a first time. also i know it's the school's mascot, but every time i see your shirt.... snicker.
