Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thanks to all my friends at work

This was a great trip to SoCal, not just for the usual good times with friends and food, but also the significance of being able to join my friends at work in the NAMI Walk.  Given this was such a personal cause for me, I was really moved by the support by everyone at the office.  We ended up being the 4th best team fundraiser!

I decided to update my dancing girl doppelganger on my office door that has been hanging from my surprise birthday with a collage of me with everyone in the office at various events throughout my career at the office.  I can recall the time and event of each picture--whether it was Halloween, an awards banquet, a move day, a gathering, a post-softball game pizza, a happy hour, and some just from this Walk.  I really cherish that I have such good memories with such good people.

I titled it after my favorite lyric from Bon Jovi's "Livin' On a Prayer":

Take my hand, we'll make it, I swear

Which is perfect. Thanks everyone for the NAMI support (and everything else)!

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