Thursday, May 28, 2009


It was a huge disappointment to hear that the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 8 yesterday. Unfortunately, now the issue is bigger than just not allowing gays to marry--it sets a precedent where the majority vote is legally persecuting a minority (despite the fact that the State Constitution mandates non-discrimination based on, among other things, sexual orientation). A slippery slope if you ask me.

Needless to say, there were rallies and marches. Velina and I went to the one at the Old Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana:

Velina gamely carried our sign:

She got restless during some of the speeches, but when we were marching, her energy came back up and she even joined in the chants (what do we want?!):

There were some great signs:

(Let me get this right. I can't get married.
But you can be a cheater
Get married 3 times?
Nice job on the whole
marriage protection thing!)

I loved some other signs. One said "WTF Cali?!" and the other said "I can't believe I'm at a protest for this!". I'm not sure which one was more apt for me. In the meantime, I try to have faith that Prop 8 will be an embarrassing blight of California's past.


Anonymous said...

Yes, my friend, you are on the right side of just takes a while for the rest of us to catch up with you.

Don't stop saving the world, Franny.

David said...

The children are the future. I might be an optimist, but by 2010 I think enough older attitudes will "drop off" the voter roles, and fresher perspectives will come on-line, so to speak, to repeal this hate initiative. In the meantime, it's kind of embarassing being a native Californian.

Paul said...

I am very proud you two went to the rally

Pound said...

good for you bringing velina!

Blah said...
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