Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Is lack of sleep supposed to make me ranty?

I pounded through taxes--which I was dreading somewhat because of the move, but in the end, all doable and rewarding--refund! I also couldn't put down "Bossypants" and read 30% (according to Kindle) of it last night making it a near all-nighter. Unfortunately, this resulted in not getting much sleep. In years past, lack of energy and sleepiness during the day were just part of the fallout.

Lack of sleep and near delirium used to fuel my opinionated reasoning and power up rants, where exhaustion should instead be subduing them. In years past I would blow up about minutiae, like when Savage Garden's "Truly, Madly, Deeply" would play on the radio:

Me (groaning): UGH! What a waste of a clever name. I've said that before, right?

Paul (recognizing this rant, sighing): I know...

Me: I mean, I get that it's a popular song. I'm sure there are a bunch of young women hoping this is the song their groom chooses for their wedding...

P: uh, huh...

Me: But jeez, if your name is Savage Garden--shouldn't the song have a touch more depth?! I mean, I'm not asking for profound gravitas here!

P: sure...

Me: But for God's sake, how about NOT being full of cliches? "I want to stand with you on a mountain"?! PLEASE! Can this song use the word "wish" or "dream" MORE?! Is this song TRYING to be a Disney movie song? Hey guys, why don't you use "magic castle" or "chestnut ponies" in this song while you're at it?! ARGH!

P: right...

Me: Am I being ridiculous here?! The band's name is "Savage" Garden! There is nothing, NOTHING! "SAVAGE" about them! Not even complex or...YEESH! Is the name supposed to be doubly-ironic?! GAAAAAAH! You know what they SHOULD be CALLED?!

P: (sighing) wiener garden.
Me: (shrieking) WIENER GARDEN!

Anyhoo, I'm hoping that was then, this is now. But today I was really annoyed to hear so much snarkiness came from the picture of Scarlett Johansson (that I appreciated as being refreshingly "real") that her rep had defend against snide comments that "wondered" if she's pregnant.

Great. Have we just nailed the coffin that young women need to be constantly lithe and thin? Now is her rep going to convince Johansson to slim down, wear more flattering workout clothes, and more acceptable running shoes in the next photo op? I really hope not because I would bet good money that Sean Penn's rep is not phoning him to slim down, get a decent haircut, and wipe the "Curmudgeon McGrumpy" expression while he's running. You know why? Because his rep would just respond, "Hey, he's running, a$$holes!"

And though I get that this may not be most flattering pic of Johansson, it's totally reasonable not to look red-carpet ready when you're doing non-red-carpet things like grocery shopping and exercising. We accept that reality with him, why not her?

Okay, maybe I'm still extra-ranty with lack of sleep but I'll end there before I go on more. I'll go to bed early and hope that I'll be nicer (or at least more mellow) in the morning...


Blah said...
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Pound said...

if i didn't love you already, i would now that you've renamed them wiener garden.

p.s. a1 is steak sauce not meat sauce. although i guess it is technically meat sauce then.

Paul said...

Did her rep defend those shoes?!