Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Benefit for John Dolan

Through my friend Dean, I heard about a fundraiser to help John Dolan after he was attacked with a baseball bat.  I don't know John personally (though I might have seen him when he was in Wighat, decades ago) but I'm miserably familiar with the financial stresses that come with major medical care of a loved one.  And for what it's worth, John's case is a doozy.  Besides that he literally had his neck broken and skull split open with a baseball bat, he was between jobs at the time of the attack and has neither a job, unemployment benefits, nor insurance during this nightmare.

I have to say that even with insurance, it's amazing how much the stuff that isn't covered adds up and can become overwhelming to the point of tears.  I can only imagine how devastatingly staggering it must be when there is no insurance. And frankly, just as stressful, there are the usual expenses that still need to be covered--rent, food, utilities to name the basic few. Remember when I said I was tired of complaining? Well, this is clearly an opportunity to be a part of light and hope for someone who is mired in darkness and despair right now.  If this speaks to you, I hope you'll consider contributing to John Dolan too. If you take the time to read the story posted by his sister, John Dolan has a long road ahead in terms of recovering from such a violent attack.  I don't think my small donation alone would alleviate the the financial burden of his long recovery but I know collectively, we can help ease some of that pain and provide light, encouragement, and hope for John and his family.

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