Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Drink your milk

For the longest time, I've been telling the girl that she needs to eat well (drink her milk, finish her vegetables, eat enough protein, etc.) because she's still growing. And often, she'd sigh, but I'm already one of the taller girls in my class.

To which I'd reply, Don't be so sure--remember my cousin? She was the tallest girl in 3rd grade at 5'2"...

The girl would roll her eyes. I know, Mom, and she'd finish my sentence with a wide-eyed, ghost story flourish, ...and she never grew taller than that...

Anyway, the girl recently had a growth spurt and went from 5'1" to 5'5" in a matter of 8 months. Technically speaking, at age 10, she is only 3 inches shorter than me. The other day, she was standing next to me and nearly looked in my eyes and said, hey I'm almost as tall as you--maybe I'll be taller than you someday. And then I'll say:

Who's the cousin now?

oh, snap.


Paul said...

I always expect that story to go: "she was the tallest in third grade - and the widest in fifth grade..."

No Scrolling said...

I imagine you telling that story at campfires, with a flashlight under your chin.

My sister, milk-drink-inducing bogeyman.

Pound said...

she is sooo tall. like supermodel tall. poor ethan will be shorter than his girlfriend :P