Friday, May 23, 2008

Holy Shinto

165.5. My highest non-pregnant weight ever.

How did this happen? Let's see...I exercised every day upping to 30 minutes of cardio...I skipped all the naughty stuff like sweets (except for one cupcake) and fries...I've been eating a painful amount of vegetables...GAAAAAAHHHH!

Seriously, I could have gained this weight by kind of doing some things a lot more fun, i.e., the opposite of this week. But I suppose there is a rational part of me that thinks how much worse it could have been if I had. And there's an irrational part of me that thinks someone is putting extra stuffing in their Franny voodoo doll.

I guess I should stick with the exercise and healthy eating. Or screw it and eat whatever I want.

Decisions, decisions...

1 comment:

Pound said...

i know your pain!!!! it's so much more fun eating shite and staying the same weight than it is eating veggies and staying the same weight. but maybe you're getting muscles??
i say stick to the healthy plan, just in case. :P