Sunday, September 28, 2008

Living like Rock Stars

It's not so pretty right now. I eventually fell asleep only to wake up sweating around noon. It still hurts my head to be upright and between the three of us, we're living like rock stars.

We're waiting on a staff of maids and butlers to make our beds and do our laundry. In the meantime, my girl has squeezed into a toddler shirt and leggings she fished out of the donation bag. I'm sweating in a bathrobe with Froot Loop Cereal Straws in the pockets.

We're also waiting on a chef to prepare something that isn't eaten straight out of a bag with our bare hands. We're running low on BBQ chips and juice boxes. The girl has managed to make herself some ramen and Crystal Light. I tried to eat some pea pods but between my clogged head and desire for something delicious, it was like eating green twigs--tough, bitter, and the chewing was giving me a headache.

We also need staff to unpack our bags. And go to the grocery store--we need foil and milk badly. And to clean out our microwave--ugh, what did we do in there?! And to give my neck a rubdown--from my brief recollection, I think my football picks are going down the toilet.

Maybe it's time for another sleeping phase...wake me when the staff arrives...

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Blah said...
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