Friday, April 11, 2008

Here we go

I caught a part of a "Friends" rerun where Phoebe's date is ridiculously optimistic in every single situation, whether discouraging or just banal. Ultimately it drives her crazy and she confronts him. He says in his defense, "I'm just a positive person." And she responds, "No, I'm a positive person. You're like Santa Claus on Prozac. At Disneyland. Getting laid."

Well, I have to say I'm pretty fired up for this weekend. I don't want to jinx anything but on my agenda (if nothing goes wrong, knock wood): I'm going to learn how to make a tote bag, take my mother-in-law out for her birthday dinner at a restaurant slated as the best Indian food in Orange County, and de-clutter. Man, I'm really looking forward to getting organized.

I'll have freshly emptied garbage and recycling bins by tonight. Weekend here I come!


x said...

Good luck. Don't forget the skeleton.

Pound said...

alec baldwin!!!! he's the best.