Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Snippets from the weekend

Besides Easter, one of the highlights was seeing this guy (Oli, Oli, Oli!):

while hanging out and chatting with his mom, my friend Linda. Soundbite:

Linda: Hey I'm thinking of watching this show, Torchwood.
Me: Really? What's it about?
Linda: I'll pull it up (clicks Wiki page). It's the BBC--
Me: Nerd alert...
Linda: Hey, check this out--it's made by the same guys who did Doctor Who--
Me: Whoop! Whoop! WHOOP!

Hee, actually I credit Linda for exposing me to some quality programming like Mad Men, The Big Bang Theory...and even Dr. Who--at least the ones with Christopher Eccleston (rawr!).

Another highlight was celebrating my friend Heidi's birthday. We ate at Famous Dave's BBQ in Long Beach and enjoyed some delicious cake back at her house.

I'd say the possible lowlight was the tremors we got from an earthquake in Mexico. Not being raised in an area where such tremors are common, I usually go through this thought process:

Hey is it shaking? Yeah, it's shaking. That's weird. Is it a truck passing--or an earthquake? Hmmm...yeah, I bet it's an earthquake...I wonder if I should--

And by then, the tremors have stopped. Apparently there are two schools of thought of what to do when inside a building during a quake: 1) take cover in some load-bearing door frame or table, perhaps figuring out some "triangle of life" shelter and 2) the intuitive desire to get out. Interestingly enough, the two deaths reported immediately after the quake were 1) a man who died when his house collapsed on him and 2) a man who was run over by a car when he ran out of his house during the quake.

In my short history of living with these tremors, I have experienced the majority during the night--I can count on one hand how often I've felt tremors during the day (this one included). In any case, during the Easter day tremors, I found myself in the least advantageous place--in the restroom. You'd think that it would be the best place to be when experiencing mild panic. It's not. Because though my usual earthquake thought process doesn't include fear of death, this time my mind added a short plea to the powers that be to not let me die on the toilet. Thankfully, my Easter weekend were capped with these prayers answered. And Easter trail mix!


amytangerine said...

that photo is sooo cute! thanks for checking out my blog- I posted this answer there too regarding the Pivi printer-
Hi Frances, from what I can tell, the iphone will only work if you get the beaming accessory. my cousin's palm centro works because it has beaming capabilities. my palm pre doesn't work unfortunately.

Pound said...

i watched the 1st epi of torchwood today. it's good y'all! and now we have dexter... i should ruin who the ice truck killer is cuz you ruined the buffy/spike hookup and the angel/darla having a baby.