Friday, October 24, 2008

Back on the WW track and countdown to H'ween

My luck had run out after my weight log-in last week, when I stepped on the scale during the weekend and saw I was 156, my weight 3 weeks ago. So I really dug my heels in and pulled out the WW log and starting recording what I was eating. I started exercising again and my weight today is 153. So, despite my purchase of the Big Value bag of Halloween candy I bought, I'm encouraged to stick with it. My daughter even helped me out by putting my beloved bag of Trader Joe's potato chips in the bag we're donating to a food drive at her school. I got her, uh...I mean, I encouraged her to share a favorite food of hers by donating some of her Chef Boyardee faves.

Losing weight will also help me with my Halloween costume. Did I mention that we have an annual costume contest at work? I'm pretty much set with my costume but I can't say too much, lest it be leaked to my co-workers. The details I ordered from Europe arrived, though they're a bit smaller than I hoped, but they will do. Also I need to find some black foam.

I'm really looking forward to Halloween--because you can bet that I'm going let myself have a few Halloween treats.


Blah said...
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Pound said...

oh no you di-ent give away her chef boyardee!!!! :P