Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What that makes me

I tried a kickboxing class with some younger friends after work. They were really excited about it and said it had a good crowd and energy--that even old ladies were doing the class!

The class was good but it was really crowded so I couldn't "go 100%" for fear of bumping or punching my neighbor in the face. Plus I had trouble keeping up with the coked-up choreography and pace of the moves. Overall I filled in blanks with some general jumping and punching and it was a fine, sweaty time.

I couldn't help noticing, however, that weren't any old ladies in the class. Which, of course, means one thing.

I'm the old lady.


Pound said...

you always crack me up HAHAHAAHHHAAA!
you could always just do a freak out session at home and skip the class. same thing. :P

No Scrolling said...

I was at an event with some co-workers a year ago. Two of us, in our late thirties, are hearing a tale from a younger (but not that much younger!) co-worker about how he was at some bar and some older women were hitting on him. Upon further discussion, it was determined that the "older women" were in their late thirties.
