Monday, June 28, 2010

Piñata time

Remember the birthday piñata over my desk? It's one of those special ones great for toddlers because no bat is needed. You aim to pull just the right one of the ribbons and ta-da! It's raining candy.

Well on the rare occasions that folks walk into my office, I'll remember that I have this piñata over my desk and I say, are you the lucky one? and rip one of the ribbons. Well tonight was the night. It so happened that the network guy who comes in occasionally at night popped in and I looked up and there was one ribbon left. I pulled and wha-la:

Well it wasn't actually raining candy, but at least I now have access to an awesome chocolate fix when necessary!

Thanks for coming in M!


Pound said...

ooooh pinata! but is there ghetto candy inside? one bday party of ethan's, the kids all stood in line to pull the strings. the 2nd kid pulled it. ethan and he were the only ones who got a turn. :P

Anonymous said...

YAY! Finally the candy comes out. I remember you coming by my desk last week asking for chocolate....I should have reminded you that you had a pinata full of them hanging over your head. Pace yourself!