Monday, June 1, 2009

Best Comic Book surprise

Remember this comic book sale? Well I also found these and bought them on a WTH whim:

Yes, they're New Kids on the Block comics from the '90s. No, I didn't know they had these either. Anyway, it turned out a friend at work, Shadi, is a SuperFan, so I wrapped these up and snuck them on her desk one morning:

Um, how big of a SuperFan, you ask? It turns out the weekend I hit this sale, Shadi was on a New Kids on the Block cruise! No, I didn't know they had those either. All the New Kids on the Block were on this Bahamas cruise with shows, Q&As, and lots of photo ops.

Though not all fans got this close:

I'm pretty sure you have to be a SuperFan like Shadi to get this close to Donnie D!

1 comment:

Pound said...

nkotb comics???? lol and cruise????