Friday, June 12, 2009

Commit2Fit - Week 3

Week 3 in the Commit2Fit challenge is, well, challenging. It's taking last week's challenge of eating 5 mini meals every 2-3 hours (which I only successfully completed 2 days last week) and adding that each of these mini meals has at least 10 grams of protein and a maximum of 30 grams of carbohydrates.

Getting 10 grams of protein isn't hard but man, oh man, limiting myself to 30 grams of carbs at a time is proving to be difficult. A lot of things have carbs including the less obvious staples of my diet--milk, yogurt, and fruit. I already failed on the first day because we had a free lunch from The Veggie Grill and I pigged out. This is going to take a LOT of planning. And discipline.

Unfortunately, my failings with Commit2Fit are coinciding with me losing control of my WW points. I am over by at least 50 points this week. Yeesh, I can't wait to start a clean slate.

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Blah said...
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