Tuesday, July 14, 2009

10 in 10

It's been a long 10 weeks (actually at this point it's been nearly 12) and I managed to lose 10 pounds from 165. At 10 weeks, I dipped to 153.5, at 11 weeks, I (sorta) maintained at 154 but I'll take it given I ate extra, extra bonus Points over the 4th of July holiday. Half of that weight came off at the same time as 6 weeks of Commit2Fit and I think having an added program to shape my daily Points helped a lot. I hit my stride in the last few weeks when I really focused on keeping my daily Points and allowing myself to eat all my bonus points (and pretty much failing all my Commit2Fit habits) in one day a week. Mentally I needed a weekly break to not feel deprived and to not feel I was training my body to expect food in diet mode all the time.

Unfortunately for my healthy eating habits, I head off to New York and all its deliciousness in a few days. I pretty much expect to go on vacation mode of eating, though my sister (who is a pretty healthy eater) is encouraging me to balance meals of Pommes Frites and donuts with some healthy salads.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Congrats!
You always look the same to me...and now this time won't be any different!!