Thursday, July 9, 2009

Commit2Fit - Week 7

As I close in on my final weeks of Commit2Fit, I'm curious to see what habits stick. I didn't make myself promise to make life commitments but to just make it through the 8 weeks of the program and see what sticks. Believe it or not, it's been getting easier. The best part? Week 7's healthy habit is something I've already been doing -- incorporating fruit as my carbs in at least 2 of my mini-meals.

The hardest habits for me are the mini-meals and calculating the protein and carb counts. The easiest has been drinking the 3 quarts of water and avoiding soda and coffee. A habit I'd like to keep is the 2 hour window of no eating before going to bed and getting plenty of Omega-3s. Looking forward to seeing what the 8th and final healthy habit is next week...

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