Thursday, July 16, 2009

Commit2Fit-Week 8 (last one!)

For week 8 of Commit2Fit, the final healthy habit is to add a cup of vegetables to at least two of my meals. Since I've been doing Weight Watchers at the same time, this has somewhat been a given since WW mandates eating 5 half-cup servings of veggies a day.

I'm kind of relieved that the healthy habits are rounding off a bit easier for me. Again, the habits I struggle with the most are the mini meals and timing them 2-3 hours apart.

I'm off to New York tomorrow which coincides with the final week of Commit2Fit. Though I've given myself license to eat in vacation mode, I aim to do at least one day of all the healthy habits during my stay.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck, and you'll need it, with all us east coasters trying to fatten you up.