Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Evolution of a haircut

What I wouldn't give for good hair. Since I don't have that, the holy grail is the decent haircut that works for my coarse hair that has the texture of that cruel limbo between flattering straight or wavy hair: kinked straight hair.

Anyhoo, when I booked my trip to New York I made an appointment with the one haircutter who knew my hair and could work with it. Unfortunately, it's been a number of years and it just wasn't the same magic as I remembered it--though she did lighten my hair load quite a bit. Here's the evolution:

Pre-haircut-definitely very long in the face--gotten pretty unflattering--kind of just hanging, begging for a haircut:

Post-haircut-obviously just styled by the haircutter--dried smooth straight--and one can appreciate the flattering framing layers:

Post-post-haircut-obviously in my classic wash-and-go mode, this is what the haircut looks in my lazy, unstylish hands:

When I wake up in the morning, the crueler voice of my inner monologue says, hey! Mick Jagger/Jon Bon Jovi/Richard Marx wants his hair back...oh, wait, keep it, he realized he's in 21st century! or hey is that what Wolverine would look like if he didn't blowdry his hair? On the plus side, if I ever did get around to using a hair dryer & brush and/or flat iron, I'm pretty sure I could get it to look like Karen O or Joan Jett. Hmmm...that would be worth the gumption.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Definitely wash-n-go.