Monday, January 21, 2008

catching up Week 2

My page from Week 2 of Elise Blaha’s 08 Paper Adventure: the prompt was souvenir. As in what type of souvenir of myself would I leave behind? At first I envisioned some grand legacy—a piece of art, a significant action, a written work, etc. But I realized that on my deathbed my regrets would be more along the lines that the people in my life didn’t know how much they mattered to me. So my souvenir aim is for everyone to know this: how significant they were to me, how they touched and moved me, and how much I loved them. Sigh. Easier said than done, but I’m adding it to the list.

Again, didn't want to overthink it, though I probably need to sharpen my embelllishment skills. I just like to play with my stuff sometimes and it definitely renders mixed results. What I especially liked about making this page was I made a slight dent in my alpha stash. How ridiculous is my collection of alphas you ask?

And this does not include my alpha stamps or any other kind of sticker or rubon. Just alphas. I know what you're thinking, because I say it myself. My response to myself is, at least it's healthier than crack. I was going to say cheaper, but that really may not be the case with my addiction.

Regarding my movie watching, I confess I got a little sidetracked. Though, it was partially motivated by my resolution to be a woman of action this year. A friend had lent me a couple of DVDs and I no longer want to be that friend who borrows from you and then you have to remind them that they still have it. Though, I admit, this is a bit tougher and slower with books, especially that copy of “A Confederacy of Dunces” I borrowed…eek…years ago.

One of the movies I watched was “Eastern Promises” (though, due to all the press and commotion of Viggo Mortensen’s full-monty nude fight scene, Paul has dubbed it “Eastern Penises”). I'm still rattling the movie around in my head (along with the others I watched) but I'll filter out an opinion soon.

1 comment:

Pound said...

that's a great souvenir! and those alphas... don't even sweat it. you haven't seen mine. also, i'm pretty sure crack is more expensive than stickers. i hear.