Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Getting closer to ready

Well the spare room/guest room is going a bit slower than expected despite tremendous efforts on my part. So I took a break from to focus on another aspect of preparing for my sister's family's visit: getting a good microbrew beer for my BIL. I checked out the decent selection of microbrews at Green's:

I considered going with Session Black that was so tasty at El Cobre but I know my BIL prefers it in cold weather and it's been warming up here (already!). Also he mentioned that trying a brew made in SoCar would be interesting. So it narrowed it down to Spartanburg's RJ Rockers. And then considering he's a diehard New England fan, this one just called out:

Ah, that's one thing taken care of for their visit. Counting down to their arrival in 2 days!

1 comment:

Blah said...

Just give him a bottle of Maker's Mark and he won't care what the guest room looks like.