Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fort Christmas - The Leave Behind

Through blog-hopping I discovered this musician, Jeremy Larson. He created a side project/band (now called Fort Christmas) and for a brief couple of days, he had shared this catchy song called "The Leave Behind" from that side project. It's about meeting a girl (his now-fiancee) on New Year's eve and how he needed to figure out how to see her again. Besides the addictive tune, I love how this song captures that giddy excitement and hope when meeting someone you feel you could just talk to forever. While it was available, I listened to it over and over again.

Well it turns out The Leave Behind will be the first song off an upcoming EP, "Feathers" and he is sharing a free download of this song on his blog.

Enjoy. And you're welcome. He's an indie musician which means no big machine to promo his music. So if you like it, pass it on.

1 comment:

Pound said...

isn't he elsie flannigan's bf?